Friday, 9 May 2014

It’s official, visiting libraries makes you happy!

It’s official, visiting libraries makes you happy!
A study commissioned by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport found that visiting libraries regularly makes us as happy as a £1,359 pay rise. While taking part in sport is valued at £1,127 a year and being engaged with the arts at £1,084 a year.

This may sound a bit flippant to the many people out there who won’t be receiving a pay rise this year or only a tiny one, but it does show what we all know, libraries are great value for money!

Talking of high value services
“Use it or Lose it” is an event for interested organisations to raise awareness of and promote the sustainability of “Torfaen Libraries Health and Wellbeing Information and Support Service”. It will be held at Cwmbran Library 15 May 9.45am – 12 noon.

Add to your Life is a free NHS Wales online health check to help you live longer, feel better, and stay healthy and active into the future. It can help you discover more about your health, learn the simple steps you can take to stay fit and discover local services to help you make a positive change in your life. 
The official launch was held at Cwmbran Library on 28 April 2014. Why not give it a go?

Love Magazines? - Get FREE E-Zines from Welsh Libraries
  • Easy to access, you just need a library card
  • Download 24/7 -  direct to your e-reader, tablet, smartphone, laptop or PC/MAC
  • Find magazines covering all interests, from sport to fashion; nature to business; tattoos to baking and download as many as you like.
  • No need to return, you can build up your own back catalogue
To try this great new service follow the link -

Here's a taste of what's been happening recently in Torfaen Libraries

World Book Day, 6 March 2014
Invited classes were welcomed into Pontypool Library on World Book Day by a variety of story book characters. Here's Winnie the Witch sharing a story with children from Padre Pio RC Primary School.

Teen Quest Challenge
Pictured above is Abigail Lewis, the lucky winner of the Teen Quest Challenge. Abigail is a member of Pontypool Library's Teen Reading Group and is seen here being presented with her prize, £100 to spend at Amazon.

Bluesy Susie and the Hot 3
A small but enthusiastic audience enjoyed a great evening of music in Cwmbran Library's recently refurbished community room. Look out for details of more great events to come.

Finally.. looking for inspiration on what to read next?
Sometimes the best way to read a novel is with the perfect soundtrack. Check out this  fun link
These essential 90s albums could lead you to your new favourite book!