Friday, 28 July 2017

Fancy something a bit different?...


The Man Booker International Prize is an international literary award hosted in the United Kingdom. Since 2016, the award has been given annually to a single book in English translation, rewarding one author's ‘continued creativity, development and overall contribution to fiction on the world stage’. 

This year’s winner, ‘A Horse Walks into a Bar’ by David Grossman, was announced last month but you can find out more about the full shortlist below.  Why not try one this Summer?

A Horse Walks into a Bar by David Grossman (Israel) –The setting is a comedy club in a small Israeli town. An audience that has come expecting an evening of amusement instead sees a comedian falling apart on stage; a man crumbling before their eyes as a matter of choice. They could get up and leave, or boo and whistle and drive him from the stage, if they were not so drawn to glimpse his personal hell.

Compass by Mathias Enard (France)–As night falls over Vienna, Franz Ritter, an insomniac musicologist, takes to his sickbed with an unspecified illness and spends a restless night drifting between dreams and memories, revisiting the important chapters of his life.

Compass is a journey and a declaration of admiration, a quest for the otherness inside us all and a hand reaching out – like a bridge between West and East, yesterday and tomorrow. 

The Unseen by Roy Jacobsen (Norway)– Ingrid Barrøy is born on an island that bears her name – a holdfast for a single family, their livestock, their crops, their hopes and dreams.  Her father dreams of building a jetty that will connect them to the mainland, but closer ties to the wider world come at a price. Her mother has her own dreams – more children, a smaller island, a different life – and there is one question Ingrid must never ask her.

Mirror, Shoulder, Signal by Dorthe Nors (Denmark)– Sonja is an intelligent single woman in her 40s whose life lacks focus. The situation must change – but where to start? By learning to drive, perhaps. After all, how hard can it be? Very, as it turns out.

Six months in, Sonja is still baffled by the basics and her instructor is eccentric. With an acute case of vertigo, a sister who won’t talk to her, and a masseuse who wants to solve her spiritual problems, shifting gears is not proving easy.

Judas by Amos Oz (Israel)– Set in the still-divided Jerusalem of 1959-60, Judas is a tragi-comic coming-of-age tale and a radical rethinking of the concept of treason. Shmuel, a young, idealistic student, is drawn to a strange house and its mysterious occupants within. As he starts to uncover the house’s tangled history, he reaches an understanding that harks back not only to the beginning of the Jewish-Arab conflict, but also to the beginning of Jerusalem itself.

Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin (Argentina)– A young woman named Amanda lies dying in a rural hospital clinic. A boy named David sits beside her. She's not his mother. He's not her child.

The two seem anxious and, at David's ever more insistent prompting, Amanda recounts a series of events from the apparently recent past. As David pushes her to recall whatever trauma has landed her in her terminal state, he unwittingly opens a chest of horrors, and suddenly the terrifying nature of their reality is brought into shocking focus.

Gwobr lenyddol ryngwladol yn y Deyrnas Unedig yw Gwobr Ryngwladol Man Booker. Ers 2016, rhoddwyd y wobr yn flynyddol i lyfr unigol a gyfieithwyd i’r Saesneg, gan wobrwyo ‘creadigrwydd parhaol, datblygiad a chyfraniad un awdur i ffuglen ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol’.

Cyhoeddwyd enillydd eleni, ‘A Horse Walks into a Bar’ gan David Grossman, mis diwethaf ond gallwch ddysgu mwy am y rhestr fer isod. Pam na ddarllenwch chi un dros yr haf?

A Horse Walks into a Bar gan David Grossman (Israel) – Clwb Comedi mewn tref fach yn yr Israel yw’r lleoliad.  Mae cynulleidfa sydd wedi dod am noson o adloniant yn gweld dyn yn cwympo’n ddarnau ar y llwyfan yn lle; dyn yn chwalu o’u blaenau fel mater o ddewis. Fe allen nhw godi a gadael, neu weiddi a chwibanu a’i yrru o’r llwyfan, pe na baen nhw wedi eu denu gymaint i’w uffern bersonol.

Compass gan Mathias Enard (Ffrainc) - Wrth i’r nos ddisgyn dros Fienna, mae Franz Ritter, cerddolegwr anhunog, yn mynd i’w wely gydag afiechyd ac yn treulio noson ddigwsg yn ymlwybro rhwng breuddwydion ac atgofion, gan ail-ymweld â phenodau pwysicaf ei fywyd.
Mae Compass yn siwrnai ac yn ddatganiad o edmygedd, ymgais am yr arall sydd y tu mewn i ni i gyd ac yn law sy’n estyn – fel pont rhwng Gorllewin a Dwyrain, ddoe a heddiw. 

The Unseen gan Roy Jacobsen (Norwy) – Cafodd Ingrid Barrøy ei geni ar ynys o’r un enw, gafaelfach ar gyfer un teulu, eu hanifeiliaid, eu cnydau, eu gobeithion a’u breuddwydion.  Mae ei thad yn breuddwydio am adeiladu glanfa a fydd yn eu cysylltu â’r tir mawr, ond mae pris i’w dalu am gysylltiadau gyda’r byd mawr.  Mae gan ei mam ei breuddwydion eu hun – mwy o blant, ynys llai, bywyd gwahanol – ac mae un cwestiwn nad yw Ingrid byth i ofyn iddi.

Mirror, Shoulder, Signal gan Dorthe Nors (Denmarc) - Mae Sonja’n fenyw sengl, ddeallus yn ei 40au ond mae ei bywyd yn brin o ffocws. Rhaid i’r sefyllfa newid - ond ble mae dechrau? Dysgu gyrru, efallai. Wedi’r cyfan, pa mor anodd gall hyn fod? Yn anodd iawn, fel mae’n digwydd.

Ar ôl chwe mis, mae Sonja dal wedi ei drysu gan yr hanfodion ac mae ei hyfforddwr yn dra echreiddig. Yn dioddef o benysgafnder, gyda chwaer sydd ddim yn fodlon siarad â hi, a thylinwraig sydd am ddatrys ei phroblemau ysbrydol, dyw newid gêr ddim yn hawdd.

Judas gan Amos Oz (Israel)–  Wedi ei leoli yn Jerwsalem rhanedig 1959-60, stori chwerw-felys am dyfu yw Judas ac ailfeddwl radical am y syniad o deyrnfradwriaeth. Caiff Shmuel, myfyriwr ifanc, llawn delfryd, ei dynnu i dŷ dieithr a’i ddeiliaid rhyfedd. Wrth iddo ddatgelu hanes cymhleth y tŷ, mae’n dod i ddeall rhywbeth sy’n mynd yn ôl, nid yn unig at ddechrau’r gwrthdaro rhwng yr Iddewon a’r Arabiaid, ond hefyd i ddechrau Jerwsalem ei hun.

Fever Dream gan Samanta Schweblin (Yr Ariannin)– Mae menyw ifanc o’r enw Amanda yn marw mewn ysbyty gwledig. Mae bachgen o’r enw David yn eistedd wrth ei hymyl. Dyw hi ddim yn fam iddo. Nid ei phlentyn hi yw e.

Mae’r ddau i weld yn bryderus ac, ar anogaeth David, mae Amanda’n adrodd cyfres o ddigwyddiadau o’r gorffennol diweddar. Wrth i David bwyso arni i gofio ba bynnag drawma sydd wedi dod â hi i’r cyflwr hwn, mae e’n datgelu erchyllterau, ac yn sydyn mae natur brawychus eu sefyllfa real yn dod i’r amlwg.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Can YOU help the Animal Agents?

This summer there’s something strange happening at the libraries in Torfaen– and that’s where the Animal Agents come in!

The Animal Agents love solving mysteries and they need the children of Torfaen to help them crack their biggest case yet.

Who has painted graffiti on the library wall?
Why are things suddenly going missing?

Join the Animal Agents for the Summer Reading Challenge 2017 and help them uncover the truth!

The Summer Reading Challenge is an initiative run every year to encourage children aged 4 to 11 to carry on reading during the long summer holiday.

There is a different theme each year and they can read whatever they like - fact books, joke books, picture books, audio books - just as long as they are borrowed from the library.

Taking part is simple – when the summer holidays start, your child(ren) can sign up at your local library and read six library books (or more!) over the holidays to collect special stickers and complete the challenge. 

Each time they visit the library, they’ll discover new clues and evidence that will help them solve this cryptic case.

The challenge began in Torfaen on the 15th July so make sure you get everyone signed up on your next visit.  Every entrant who completes the challenge will also be entered into a draw to win a fantastic prize!

The game is afoot!

Yr haf hwn, mae rhywbeth rhyfedd yn digwydd yn y llyfrgelloedd yn Nhorfaen - a dyma ble mae’r Anifail-Ysbiwyr yn ymddangos!

Mae’r Anifail-Ysbiwyr wrth eu boddau yn datrys dirgelion, ac mae angen help plant Torfaen arnynt i ddatrys achos mwyaf eu gyrfa.

Pwy sydd wedi peintio graffiti ar wal y llyfrgell?
Pam mae pethau’n mynd ar goll?

Ymunwch â’r Anifail-Ysbiwyr ar gyfer Her Ddarllen yr Haf 2017 a’u helpu i ddatgelu’r gwirionedd!

Mae Her Ddarllen yr Haf yn fenter a redir bob blwyddyn i annog plant 4 i 11 oed i ddal ati i ddarllen yn ystod gwyliau hir yr haf.

Mae thema wahanol bob blwyddyn a medrent ddarllen beth bynnag a fynnont – llyfrau ffeithiol, llyfrau jôcs, llyfrau lluniau, llyfrau sain – unrhyw beth cyn belled â’u bod yn eu benthyg o’r llyfrgell.

Mae cymryd rhan yn syml – pan fydd gwyliau’r haf yn dechrau, gall eich plentyn/plant gofrestru yn eich llyfrgell leol a darllen chwe llyfr llyfrgell (neu fwy!) dros y gwyliau a chasglu sticeri arbennig a chwblhau’r her. 

Bob tro y byddant yn ymweld â’r llyfrgell, byddant yn canfod cliwiau newydd a thystiolaeth a fydd yn eu helpu i ddatrys yr achos dyrys hwn.

Dechreuodd yr her yn Nhorfaen ar 15fed Gorffennaf, felly gwnewch yn siŵr fod pawb yn cofrestru ar eich ymweliad nesaf. Bydd pob ymgeisydd sy’n cwblhau’r her hefyd yn cael cyfle i ennill gwobr wych!

Mae’r helfa ar droed!

Friday, 14 July 2017

The Wainwright Golden Beer Book Prize 2017

Now in its fourth year, the Wainwright Golden Beer Book Prize celebrates the books which most successfully reflect the ethos of renowned nature writer Alfred Wainwright’s work, to inspire readers to explore the outdoors and to nurture a respect for the natural world.  This year's shortlist has just been revealed and the winner will be announced on 3 August:

Love of Country by Madeleine Bunting - Few landscapes are as iconic as the islands off the north-western Scottish coast. On the outer edge of the British Isles and facing the Atlantic Ocean, the Hebrides form part of Europe's boundary.  Love of Country shows how their history is a backdrop for contemporary debates about the relationship between our nations, how Britain was created, and what Britain has meant - for good and for ill.

The Otters’ Tale by Simon Cooper - When Simon Cooper bought an abandoned water mill that straddles a small chalkstream in southern England, little did he know that he would come to share the mill with a family of wild otters. Cooper brings these beloved animals to life in all their wondrous complexity, revealing the previously hidden secrets of their lives in this beautifully told tale of the otter.

The Running Hare by John Lewis-Stempel - 'The Running Hare' is the story of ploughland through the eyes of man who took on a field and husbanded it in a natural, traditional way, restoring its fertility and wildlife, bringing back the old farmland flowers and animals. John Lewis Stempel demonstrates that it is still possible to create a place where the hare can rest safe.

Where Poppies Blow by John Lewis-Stempel - Where Poppies Blow is the unique story of the British soldiers of the Great War and their relationship with the animals and plants around them. This connection was of profound importance, because it goes a long way to explaining why they fought, and how they found the will to go on.

Wild Kingdom by Stephen Moss - Can Britain make room for wildlife? Stephen Moss believes it can. The author travels the length and breadth of the UK, from the remote archipelago of St Kilda to our inner cities, to witness at first-hand how our wild creatures are faring and ask how we can bring back Britain’s wildlife.

The January Man by Christopher Somerville - The January Man is the story of a year of walks that was inspired by a song. Through seasons and regions, Christopher Somerville walks the British Isles, following routes that continually bring his father to mind. Over the hills and along the byways, the author examines what moulded the men of his father’s generation as he searches for ‘the man inside the man’ that his own father really was.

The Wild Other by Clover Stroud - Clover Stroud's idyllic childhood in rural England was shattered when a horrific riding accident left her mother permanently brain-damaged.

Travelling from gypsy camps in Ireland, to the rodeos of west Texas and then to Russia's war-torn Caucasus​, The Wild Other is a grippingly honest account of love, loss, family and the healing strength of nature. 

Bellach yn ei bedwaredd flwyddyn, mae Gwobr Llyfrau Wainwright Golden Beer yn dathlu'r llyfrau gorau i adlewyrchu ethos gwaith yr awdur natur enwog Alfred Wainwright, i ysbrydoli darllenwyr i archwilio'r awyr agored ac i feithrin parch at y byd naturiol. Mae'r rhestr fer eleni newydd gael ei datgelu a bydd yr enillydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi ar 3 Awst:

Love of Country gan Madeleine Bunting -Ychydig iawn o dirweddau sydd mor eiconig â'r ynysoedd oddi ar arfordir gogledd-orllewin yr Alban. Ar ymyl allanol Ynysoedd Prydain ac yn wynebu'r Cefnfor Iwerydd, mae Ynysoedd Heledd yn rhan o ffin Ewrop. Mae Love of Country yn dangos sut mae eu hanes yn gefndir i ddadleuon cyfoes am y berthynas rhwng ein gwledydd, sut y crëwyd Prydain, a'r hyn y mae Prydain wedi ei olygu - er da ac er drwg.

The Otters’ Tale gan Simon Cooper - Pan brynodd Simon Cooper melin ddŵr segur sy'n pontio nant galch bychan ne Lloegr, ychydig a wyddai y byddai'n dod i rannu'r felin gyda theulu o ddyfrgwn gwyllt. Mae Cooper yn dod â'r anifeiliaid annwyl hyn yn fyw yn eu holl gymhlethdod rhyfeddol, gan ddatgelu cyfrinachau cudd eu bywydau yn flaenorol yn y stori hyfryd hon am y dyfrgi.

The Running Hare gan John Lewis-Stempel - 'The Running Hare' yw'r stori o dir âr drwy lygaid dyn a gymerodd gae a gofalu amdano mewn ffordd naturiol, draddodiadol, gan adfer ei ffrwythlondeb a'i fywyd gwyllt, ac annog hen flodau ac anifeiliaid tir fferm unwaith eto. Mae John Lewis Stempel yn dangos ei fod dal yn bosibl i greu man lle gall yr ysgyfarnog orffwys yn ddiogel.

Where Poppies Blow gan John Lewis-Stempel - Mae Where Poppies Blow yn stori unigryw o filwyr Prydain yn y Rhyfel Mawr a'u perthynas â'r anifeiliaid a'r planhigion o'u cwmpas. Roedd y cysylltiad hwn o bwysigrwydd dwys, gan ei fod yn mynd yn bell i esbonio pam eu bod yn ymladd, a sut y cawsant hyd i'r ewyllys i fynd ymlaen.

Wild Kingdom gan Stephen Moss - A all Prydain wneud lle ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt? Mae Stephen Moss yn credu y gall. Mae'r awdur yn teithio ar hyd a lled y DU, o ynysfor anghysbell St Kilda i'n dinasoedd mewnol, i weld yn uniongyrchol sut mae ein creaduriaid gwyllt yn dod ymlaen a gofyn sut y gallwn ddychwelyd bywyd gwyllt Prydain.

The January Man gan Christopher Somerville - January Man yw'r stori am flwyddyn o deithiau cerdded a gafodd eu hysbrydoli gan gân. Trwy dymhorau a rhanbarthau, mae Christopher Somerville yn crwydro Ynysoedd Prydain, gan ddilyn llwybrau sydd yn gwneud iddo feddwl am ei dad yn gyson. Dros y bryniau ac ar hyd y cilffyrdd, mae'r awdur yn archwilio'r hyn a ffurfiodd wŷr cenhedlaeth ei dad wrth iddo chwilio am 'y dyn y tu mewn i'r dyn' sef ei dad ei hun mewn gwirionedd.

The Wild Other gan Clover Stroud - Chwalwyd plentyndod delfrydol Clover Stroud yn Lloegr wledig pan adawyd ei mam â niwed parhaol i'r ymennydd, yn dilyn damwain marchogaeth erchyll.
Gan deithio o wersylloedd sipsiwn yn Iwerddon, i rodeos gorllewin Texas ac yna i Caucacus, Rwsia a ddinistriwyd gan y rhyfel, mae The Wild Other yn ddisgrifiad onest o gariad, colled, teulu a chryfder natur i iachau.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Calling all comic lovers!

Welcome to our newest online resource – ComicsPlus!

Similar to Zinio (our free subscription magazine service), ComicsPlus offers unlimited access to over 16,000 popular and classic comic titles. You can access it here:
It’s a fantastic addition to our online services and here are a few things you’ll need to know:

  • ComicsPlus is free and can be used both in the library and remotely, anytime, anywhere.
  • If you already have an account to use Zinio for your e-magazines, you can use the same log in to access Comics Plus.
  • As a streaming service you will need to be connected to the internet to view ComicsPlus content.
  • If you have an Apple or Android device, get the ComicsPlus Library Edition App and download items to read on your tablet or phone.
  • You can check out an unlimited number of titles.
  • Currently we have access to titles from publishers including Dark Horse, BOOM! Studios, Dynamite, IDW, Peanuts and Archie with more titles being added all the time.

Don’t forget that you can pop into any of our IT drop in sessions across the week if you’d like help logging into ComicsPlus for the first time or getting it set up on your device:

Pontypool Library   – 10.00am-12.00pm every Tuesday
Blaenavon Library  –  2.00-4.00pm every Wednesday
Cwmbran Library    – 10.00-11.30am every Tuesday, 10.00am-12.00pm and 2.30-4.30pm every Thursday

There’s plenty of choice on ComicsPlus but here are a few titles we’ve selected to get you started:

Angry Birds - The world's most popular mobile game series makes its comic book debut.  Join Red, Chuck and the gang as they take on the naughty pigs! Suitable for readers 5+.

Graphic Classics - A series of titles containing adaptations of famous works by H.G. Wells, Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Conan Doyle and many more. Suitable for readers 13+.

Hellboy - Following on from director Guillermo de Toro's films, Hellboy is one of the most celebrated comic series in recent years. In turns haunting, hilarious and spellbinding, when strangeness threatens to engulf the world a strange man will come to save it... Suitable for mature readers 16+.


Happy reading!

Croeso i’n hadnodd diweddaraf ar-lein – ComicsPlus!

Yn debyg iawn i Zinio (ein gwasanaeth cylchgronau y gellir tanysgrifio iddo am ddim), mae ComicsPlus yn cynnig mynediad diderfyn i dros 16,000 o deitlau comigs poblogaidd a chlasurol. Gallwch gael mynediad iddo yma:

Mae’n ychwanegiad gwych i’n gwasanaethau ar-lein a dyma rhai pethau y bydd angen i chi  wybod:
  • Mae ComicsPlus am ddim a gellir ei ddefnyddio yn y llyfrgell ac o bell, unrhyw bryd, unrhyw le.
  • Os oes eisoes gennych gyfrif i ddefnyddio Zinio ar gyfer eich e-gylchgronau, gallwch ddefnyddio'r modd o fewngofnodi i gael mynediad i ComicsPlus.
  • Fel gwasanaeth ffrydio, bydd angen i chi gysylltu â'r rhyngrwyd i weld cynnwys ComicsPlus.
  • Os oes gennych ddyfais Apple neu Android, mynnwch Ap Rhifyn Llyfrgell o ComicsPlus a lawr lwytho eitemau i ddarllen ar eich tabled neu ffôn.
  • Gallwch edrych ar nifer digyfyngiad o deitlau.
  • Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym fynediad i deitlau gan gyhoeddwyr, yn cynnwys Dark Horse, Boom! Studios, Dynamite, IDW, Peanuts ac Archie gyda rhagor o deitlau yn cael eu hychwanegu drwy'r amser.

Peidiwch ag anghofio y gallwch chi alw heibio unrhyw rai o'n sesiynau TG yn ystod yr wythnos ac os hoffech help i fewngofnodi i ComicsPlus am y tro cyntaf neu help i'w osod ar eich dyfais:

Llyfrgell Pont-y-pŵl  – 10.00am-12.00pm bob dydd Mawrth
Llyfrgell Blaenafon   – 2.00-4.00pm bob dydd Mercher
Llyfrgell Cwmbrân   – 10.00-11.30am bob dydd Mawrth, 10.00am-12.00pm a 2.30-4.30pm bob dydd Iau

Mae digon o ddewis ar ComicsPlus, ond dyma ychydig o deitlau rydym wedi eu dewis i'ch galluogi i ddechrau arni:

Angry Birds - Mae cyfres gêm symudol fwyaf poblogaidd y byd yn gwneud ei ymddangosiad cyntaf llyfrau comig. Ymunwch â Red, Chuck a'r criw wrth iddynt frwydro'r moch drwg! Addas i ddarllenwyr 5+.

Clasuron Graffeg - Cyfres o deitlau sy'n cynnwys addasiadau o ddarnau gwaith enwog gan H.G. Wells, Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Conan Doyle a llawer mwy. Addas i ddarllenwyr 13+.

Hellboy - Yn dilyn ymlaen o ffilmiau'r cyfarwyddwr Guillermo de Toro, Hellboy yw un o'r gyfres comig enwocaf yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Yn ei dro, mae'n helbulus, doniol a hudolus, pan fydd dieithrwch yn bygwth y byd, bydd dyn rhyfedd yn dod i'w achub ... Addas i ddarllenwyr aeddfed 16+.


Mwynhewch !