Monday, 7 January 2019

Happy New Reads 2019!

Happy New Year to you all!  What better way to start 2019 than to have a look at some of the highly anticipated titles coming soon to a Torfaen library near you…

The Suspect by Fiona Barton (24 January) - The Suspect is the story of two 18-year-old girls who disappear on a trip to Thailand and Kate Waters, the journalist who attempts to find them. While working to solve the mystery of their kidnappings, Waters begins to unravel a few other unsolved mysteries in her own life.
The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff (5 February) - In 1946 Manhattan, one woman discovers the secrets of a ring of female spies during the time of World War II. Jenoff, bestselling author of The Orphan’s Tale, brings serious girl power to this story of brave women and the war.
Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce (21 February) - Lust, lies, lawyers – and murder, of course – all come together in Harriet Tyce’s debut novel.  Ambitious lawyer Alison should be focussing on her first murder case – as well as her family at home – but is distracted by an affair and the feeling that somebody knows all of her secrets and wants to make her pay. 
Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid (7 March) - This is the story of a fictional band, Daisy Jones and The Six, and how they made it in the 70s, enjoyed arena tours and the excess of success, before unexpectedly splitting up in 1979. It’s written as a hyper-realistic oral history, a clever conceit that allows the author to explore what happens when we wake up from our youth.
The Library of Lost and Found by Phaedra Patrick (26 March) - Librarian Martha Storm’s sedate life is flipped upside down when she discovers in an old book what appears to be a clue hinting that her grandmother may still be alive. Martha decides to step away from the library and take up the chase, which – inevitably, the cynic might say – leads her on a journey of self-discovery.

Darllen Da ar gyfer 2019

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi i gyd!  Pa well ffordd i ddechrau  2019 na chymryd cipolwg ar rai o’r llyfrau y mae mawr disgwyl amdanyn nhw ac sy’n dod i lyfrgelloedd Torfaen cyn bo hir…

The Suspect gan Fiona Barton (24 Ionawr) - Stori yw The Suspect am ddwy ferch 18 oed sy’n diflannu ar daith i Wlad Tai ac am Kate Waters, y newyddiadurwraig sy’n ceisio cael hyd iddyn nhw. Tra ei bod yn gweithio i ddatrys dirgelwch eu herwgipio, mae Waters yn dechrau datrys rhai o ddirgelion ei bywyd ei hun.
The Lost Girls of Paris gan Pam Jenoff (5 Chwefror) - Ym Manhattan yn 1946, mae un fenyw yn darganfod cyfrinachau cylch o ysbiwragedd yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae Jenoff, awdur The Orphan’s Tale, yn dod â nerth a grym i’r stori yma am fenywod dewr a’r rhyfel.
Blood Orange gan Harriet Tyce (21 Chwefror) – Chwant, celwydd, cyfreithwyr – a llofruddiaeth, wrth gwrs – yn dod ynghyd yn nofel gyntaf Harriet Tyce.  Dylai’r gyfreithwraig uchelgeisiol Alison fod yn canolbwyntio ar ei hachos gyntaf o lofruddiaeth – yn ogystal â’i theulu gartref – ond mae ei sylw’n mynd ar berthynas gyfrinachol a’r teimlad bod rhywun yn gwybod ei chyfrinachau i gyd ac am wneud iddi hi dalu. 
Daisy Jones and The Six gan Taylor Jenkins Reid (7 Mawrth) - Dyma ffuglen am fand, Daisy Jones and The Six, a sut y bu iddyn nhw lwyddo yn y 70au, mwynhau teithiau a gormodedd llwyddiant, cyn chwalu’n annisgwyl yn 1979.   Mae’r stori wedi ei hysgrifennu fel hanes llafar realistig dros ben, hunan-dyb clyfar sy’n caniatáu i’r awdur ymchwilio i’r hyn sy’n digwydd pan fyddwn ni’n ymadael â’n hieuenctid.
The Library of Lost and Found gan Phaedra Patrick (26 Mawrth) – Mae bywyd sidêt y llyfrgellydd Martha Storm yn cael ei droi wyneb i waered ar ôl iddi weld awgrym mewn hen lyfr y gall ei mam-gu fod yn fyw o hyd. Mae Martha yn penderfynu camu i ffwrdd o’r llyfrgell a mynd ar helfa sydd – yn anochel y byddai rhai yn dweud – yn ei harwain ar siwrnai o hunan-ddarganfyddiad. 

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