Friday 7 April 2017

The Waterstones Children’s Book Prize 2017

The winner is Kiran Millwood Hargrave for her debut novel, The Girl of Ink and Stars also winner of the Younger Fiction Category.

When Isabella's friend disappears, she volunteers to guide the search party. As a mapmaker's daughter, she's equipped with elaborate ink maps and knowledge of the stars, eager to navigate the island's forgotten heart. But beneath the mountains a legendary fire demon awakens, and her journey is fraught with danger.

Other category winners were:
Older Fiction – Orangeboy by Patrice Lawrence
Not cool enough, not clever enough, not street enough for anyone to notice me. I was the kid people looked straight through. Not anymore. Not since Mr Orange. Sixteen-year-old Marlon has made his mum a promise - he'll never follow his big brother, Andre, down the wrong path. So far, it's been easy, but when a date ends in tragedy, Marlon finds himself hunted. They're after the mysterious Mr Orange, and they're going to use Marlon to get to him. Marlon's out of choices - can he become the person he never wanted to be, to protect everyone he loves?

Illustrated Books – There’s a Tiger in the Garden by Lizzy Stewart
When Grandma says she's seen a tiger in the garden, Nora doesn't believe her. She's too old to play Grandma's silly games! Everyone knows that tigers live in jungles, not gardens. So, even when Nora sees butterflies with wings as big as her arm, and plants that try and eat her toy giraffe, and a polar bear that likes fishing, she knows there's absolutely, definitely no way there could be a tiger in the garden. Could there?

All the winning books are available to borrow or reserve from Torfaen Libraries Reserve here

Gwobr Llyfr Plant Waterstones 2017
Yr enillydd yw Kiran Millwood Hargrave am ei nofel gyntaf, The Girl of Ink and Stars, hefyd yn ennill Categori Ffuglen Iau.

Pan mae ffrind Isabella yn diflannu, mae’n gwirfoddoli i arwain y chwilio. Fel merch rhywun sy’n gwneud mapiau, mae ganddi fapiau inc a gwybodaeth o’r sêr, ac mae’n awyddus i deithio i galon goll yr ynys. Ond islaw’r mynyddoedd mae diafol tân chwedlonol yn deffro, ac mae ei thaith yn beryglus dros ben.

Enillwyr eraill y categori yw:
Ffuglen Hŷn – Orangeboy gan Patrice Lawrence
Ddim digon cŵl, ddim digon clyfar i rywun sylwi arna i. Doedd pobl ddim yn fy ngweld i. Ond ddim mwyach. Ddim ers Mr Orange. Mae Marlon, un ar bymtheg oed, wedi addo i’w fam na fydd yn dilyn ei frawd mawr, Andre, i lawr y llwybr anghywir. Hyd yma, mae wedi bod yn hawdd, ond pan mae dêt yn diweddu mewn trasiedi, mae Marlon yn canfod bod pobl ar ei ôl. Mr Orange maent eisiau cael hyd iddo, ac maen nhw am ddefnyddio Marlon i gael gafael arno. Does dim dewis ar ôl i Marlon - fedr o wneud yr hyn sydd angen ei wneud, i amddiffyn pawb mae’n eu caru?

Llyfrau Lluniau – There’s a Tiger in the Garden gan Lizzy Stewart
Pan fo Nain yn dweud bod teigr yn yr ardd, ‘dyw Nora ddim yn ei chredu. Mae hi’n rhy hen i chwarae gemau gwirion Nain! Mae pawb yn gwybod bod teigrod yn byw yn y jyngl, ddim mewn gerddi. Felly, hyd yn oed pan fo Nora’n gweld glöyn byw mor fawr â’i braich, a phlanhigion sy’n ceisio bwyta ei jiráff chwarae bach, ac arth wen sy’n hoffi pysgota, mae hi’n gwybod nad oes bosib bod teigr yn yr ardd. Oes yna?
Mae’r holl lyfrau buddugol ar gael i’w benthyg neu eu neilltuo yn Llyfrgelloedd Torfaen Neilltuwch yma

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