Friday 24 November 2017

Talking Slippers at Torfaen Libraries!

Did you know that a third of people over the age of 65 will fall each year? Most falls take place at home, and many are caused by worn-out or poorly fitted slippers.

Torfaen libraries have recently received funding from the Carnegie UK Trust and the Wellcome Trust to hold a community festival in the months leading up to Christmas/the Mid-Winter which will bring young and old together and raise awareness of falls prevention and independent living.

To help us, we’ll be on the lookout for children and young people who can nominate older people to receive slippers to help keep them safe.  Older people can also help by telling us about a young person under 16 who has been kind to them. 

We’d love to hear from as many people as we can! The older person will be included in our draw for one of 250 FREE, SAFE pairs of slippers, with the young person receiving a Christmas card from us along with a voucher for 5 free DVD loans from the library.

Both groups will be invited to tea parties in one of our libraries where there will be storytelling suitable for all ages, refreshments and a chance to share experiences and enjoy each other’s company.

If you know of a younger or older person that you’d like to nominate, pop into your local Torfaen library to pick up a form today!

Oeddech chi’n gwybod bod dros un o bob tri o bobl dros 65 oed yn cwympo bob blwyddyn? Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r digwyddiadau yma yn y cartref, ac mae nifer yn cael eu hachosi gan hen sliperi neu rhai sydd ddim yn ffitio.

Mae Llyfrgelloedd Torfaen wedi cael arian oddi wrth Ymddiriedolaeth Carnegie UK  ac Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome i gynnal gŵyl gymunedol yn y misoedd yn arwain i fyny at y Nadolig/Canol y Gaeaf a fydd yn dod â’r ifanc a’r hen ynghyd i godi ymwybyddiaeth o sut i atal cwympiadau ac o fyw’n annibynnol.

I’n helpu, byddwn yn edrych am blant a phobl ifanc a all enwebu pobl hŷn i dderbyn sliperi i’w helpu i gadw’n ddiogel. Gall bobl hŷn helpu hefyd trwy ddweud wrthym ni am berson ifanc dan 16 oed sydd wedi bod yn garedig wrthyn nhw.

Hoffem glywed gan gynifer o bobl ag y gallwn!  Caiff y person hŷn gyfle i ennill un o 250 pâr o sliperi DIOGEL AM DDIM gyda’r person iau yn derbyn carden Nadolig oddi wrthym ni gyda thaleb am 5 benthyciad DVD am ddim o’r llyfrgell.

Caiff y ddau grŵp eu gwahodd i de parti yn un o’n llyfrgelloedd ble bydd amser stori sy’n addas i bob oed, lluniaeth a chyfle i rannu profiadau a mwynhau cwmni ein gilydd.

Os ydych chi’n gwybod am berson iau neu hŷn yr hoffech chi enwebu, galwch mewn i’ch llyfrgell leol i gael ffurflen heddiw!

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