If you enjoyed
the first 3 Zoe Ball Book Club titles,
see our post from 8 June, here are the next 3 titles to get stuck into, with
the dates the shows will be aired on ITV at 8.30am.
Will Dean –
Dark Pines (8 July)
An isolated Swedish town. A
deaf reporter terrified of nature. A dense spruce forest overdue for harvest. A
pair of eyeless hunters found murdered in the woods. It's week one of the
Swedish elk hunt and the sound of gunfire is everywhere.
When Tuva Moodyson
investigates the story that could make her career she stumbles on a web of
secrets that knit Gavrik town together. Are the latest murders connected to the
Medusa killings twenty years ago? Is someone following her? Why take the eyes?
Tuva must face her demons and venture deep into the woods to stop the killer
and write the story, then get the hell out of Gavrik
Mike Gayle –
The Man I Think I Know (15 July)
Whatever their friends and
teachers might have expected, neither Danny nor James is currently running the
country. Depressed and unemployed, Danny is facing an ultimatum from his
girlfriend Maya: if he doesn't get out and get a job, she's leaving.
It was an accident that
changed James's life and now he is looked after affectionately by his parents.
But his sister Martha believes that the role of full-time carers is destroying
their lives. She suggests that James should go into a respite home while her
parents take a break. The respite home, as it turns out, where Danny has just
got a job. What is the path that has brought these two people to this
unexpected place, and where will it take them next?
O’Farrell – I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes with Death (22 July)
Maggie O'Farrell's electric
and shocking memoir of the near death experiences that have punctuated her
life. A childhood illness she was not expected to survive. A teenage yearning
to escape that nearly ended in disaster. A terrifying encounter on a remote
path. A mismanaged labour in an understaffed hospital.
This is a memoir with a
difference: seventeen encounters with Maggie at different ages, in different
locations, reveal to us a whole life in a series of tense, visceral snapshots.
It is a book to make you question yourself: what would you do if your life was
in danger? How would you react? And what would you stand to lose?
Clwb Llyfrau Zoe Ball 8-22 Gorffennaf 2018
Os wnaethoch chi fwynhau 3 llyfr cyntaf Clwb Llyfrau Zoe
Ball, gweler ein post o 8 Mehefin. Dyma'r 3 llyfr nesaf i chi fynd i'r afael â
hwy, a dyma'r dyddiadau y byddant yn cael eu darlledu ar ITV am 8.30am.
Will Dean – Dark Pines (8 Gorffennaf)
Tref unig yn Sweden. Awdur byddar sy'n ofni
natur. Coedwig pyrwydd trwchus sydd angen ei chynaeafu. Pâr o helwyr heb eu
llygaid wedi eu canfod yn y goedwig. Mae'n wythnos gyntaf helfa elciaid Sweden
ac mae sŵn tanio gwn i'w glywed ym mhobman.
Pan fydd Tuva Moodyson yn ymchwilio i'r
stori a allai hybu ei gyrfa mae hi'n dod ar draws gwe o gyfrinachau sy'n rhwymo
tref Gavrik. A yw'r llofruddiaethau diweddaraf yn gysylltiedig â
llofruddiaethau Medusa ugain mlynedd yn ôl? Ydy rhywun yn ei dilyn? Pam cymryd
y llygaid? Rhaid i Tuva wynebu ei demoniaid a chamu'n ddwfn i'r goedwig i atal
y lladdwr ac ysgrifennu'r stori, yna dianc o Gavrik am ei bywyd.
Mike Gayle – The Man I Think I Know (15 Gorffennaf)
Beth bynnag oedd eu ffrindiau a’u hathrawon yn ei
ddisgwyl, nid yw Danny na James yn rhedeg y wlad ar hyn o bryd. Yn isel ac yn
ddi-waith, mae Danny yn wynebu wltimatwm gan ei gariad Maya: os na fydd yn mynd
allan a chael hyd i swydd cyn hir, mae hi'n gadael.
Damwain newidiodd fywyd James ac erbyn hyn mae ei rieni
yn gofalu amdano. Ond mae ei chwaer Martha o'r farn bod rôl gofalu llawn amser
yn dinistrio eu bywydau. Mae hi'n awgrymu y dylai James fynd i gartref seibiant
tra bod ei rhieni yn cael egwyl. Y cartref seibiant, fel y mae'n digwydd y mae
Danny newydd gael swydd ynddi. Beth yw'r llwybr sydd wedi dod â'r ddau yma i'r
lle annisgwyl hwn, ac i ble fydd yn eu tywys nesaf?
Maggie O’Farrell – I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes
with Death (22 Gorffennaf)
Hunangofiant trydanol a syfrdanol Maggie
O'Farrell o'r profiadau ffin angau ysbeidiol y daeth ar eu traws yn eu bywyd.
Salwch nad oedd disgwyl iddi ddod drosto yn blentyn. Ysfa i ddianc yn ferch
ifanc yn ei harddegau y bu bron â’i harwain at drychineb. Profiad ofnadwy ar
lwybr anghysbell. Esgor na gafodd ei rheoli mewn ysbyty heb ddigon o staff.
Dyma hunangofiant sydd braidd yn wahanol: mae dau ar
bymtheg o brofiadau Maggie ar wahanol adegau, mewn lleoliadau gwahanol, yn
datgelu bywyd cyfan inni mewn cyfres o gipluniau tymhorol. Mae'n llyfr sy'n
gwneud i chi gwestiynu eich hun: beth fyddech chi'n ei wneud pe bai eich bywyd
mewn perygl? Sut fyddech chi'n ymateb? A beth fyddech chi'n debygol o'i golli?