Friday 14 September 2018

BorrowBox Favourites 1

Have you tried BorrowBox yet?  Borrow and download eBooks and Audiobooks using the BorrowBox app and your library membership details.  It’s free, only takes a minute to set up and enables you to enjoy your reading 24/7!

To give you an idea of the range of titles currently available on the service, we’re going to use this week’s blog post to highlight some of the most popular downloads for adults:


This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay - Welcome to the life of a junior doctor:  Scribbled in secret after endless days, sleepless nights and missed weekends, Adam Kay's This is Going to Hurt provides a no-holds-barred account of his time on the NHS front line. Hilarious, horrifying and heartbreaking, this diary is everything you wanted to know about life on and off the hospital ward.

The Woman in the Window by A.J.Finn - What did she see?  It’s been ten long months since Anna Fox last left her home. Anna’s lifeline to the real world is her window, where she sits day after day, watching her neighbours. When the Russells move in, Anna is instantly drawn to them, a picture-perfect family of three.
But one evening, a frenzied scream rips across the silence, and Anna witnesses something no one was supposed to see….

Audio Books

Clock Dance by Anne Tyler - Willa Drake can count on one hand the defining moments of her life.  At each of these moments, Willa ended up on a path laid out for her by others.

So when she receives a phone call telling her that her son’s ex-girlfriend has been shot and needs her help, she drops everything and flies across the country. Surrounded by new and surprising neighbours, she is plunged into the rituals that make a community, and takes pleasure in the most unexpected things. 

Into the Water by Paula Hawkins - Just days before her sister plunged to her death, Jules ignored her call.  Now Nel is dead.  They say she jumped.  And Jules must return to her sister's house to care for her daughter and to face the mystery of Nel's death.

But Jules is afraid. Of her long-buried memories, of the old Mill House, of this small town that is drowning in secrecy . . . And of knowing that Nel would never have jumped.

Ydych chi wedi rhoi cynnig ar BorrowBox eto?  Beth am fenthyg a lawr lwytho e-lyfrau a llyfrau llafar drwy ddefnyddio ap BorrowBox a’r manylion a ddefnyddioch i ymaelodi.  Mae’n rhad ac am ddim, yn cymryd munudau’n unig i wneud ac mae’n eich galluogi i fwynhau darllen 24/7!
I roi syniad i chi o'r ystod o deitlau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd yn y gwasanaeth, byddwn yn defnyddio blog yr wythnos hon i dynnu sylw at rai o'r eitemau mwyaf poblogaidd sy'n cael eu lawr lwytho ymhlith oedolion:

This is Going to Hurt gan Adam Kay - Croeso i fywyd meddyg iau: Wedi'i hysgrifennu'n gyfrinachol ar ôl diwrnodau di-dor, nosweithiau digwsg a phenwythnosau coll, mae This is Going to Hurt gan Adam Kay yn rhoi cyfrif diamod o'i amser ar linell flaen y GIG. Yn hynod ddigrif, brawychus a thorcalonnus, mae'r dyddiadur hwn yn bopeth yr hoffech ei wybod am fywyd ar  ward ysbyty ac oddi arni.

The Woman in the Window gan A.J.Finn - Beth welodd hi?  Mae ‘di bod yn ddeg mis hir ers i Anna Fox adael ei chartref. Llinell bywyd Anna i’r byd go iawn yw ei ffenest, lle mae’n eistedd diwrnod ar ôl diwrnod yn gwylio’i chymdogion. Pan fydd y Russells yn symud i mewn, mae Anna’n tynnu atynt yn syth, teulu o dri, y darlun perffaith.

Ond un noson, daw sgrech iasol i dorri ar draws y tawelwch llethol, ac mae Anna’n dyst i rywbeth nad oedd unrhyw un fod i’w weld….

Llyfrau Llafar
Clock Dance gan Anne Tyler - Gall Willa Drake gyfrif ar un llaw, yr eiliadau diffiniol yn ei bywyd. Ym mhob un o'r eiliadau hyn, fe wnaeth Willa ei chael ei hun ar lwybr a osodwyd iddi hi gan eraill.

Felly, pan fydd hi'n derbyn galwad ffôn yn dweud wrthi fod cyn-gariad ei mab wedi cael ei saethu a bod angen ei help, mae hi'n gollwng popeth a hedfan ar draws y wlad. Wedi'i hamgylchynu gan gymdogion newydd a rhyfedd, mae hi'n cael ei thaflu i ddefodau sy'n gwneud cymuned, ac yn ymddifyrru yn y pethau mwyaf annisgwyl.

Into the Water gan Paula Hawkins - Dyddiau yn unig cyn i'w chwaer blymio i'w marwolaeth, anwybyddodd Jules ei galwad. Bellach mae Nel yn farw. Maen nhw'n dweud mai neidio y gwnaeth hi. Ac mae'n rhaid i Jules ddychwelyd i dŷ ei chwaer i ofalu am ei merch, ac i wynebu dirgelwch marwolaeth Nel.

Ond mae Jules yn ofni. Ei hatgofion sydd wedi eu claddu ers tro, yr hen felin, y dref fechan hon sy'n boddi mewn cyfrinachedd. . . Ac o wybod na fyddai Nel erioed wedi neidio.

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